Saturday, September 4, 2010

Nicole Richie Takes Responsibility For Her Past Mistakes

Isn't it great to see how Nicole Richie has grown up since her days as Paris Hilton's sidekick in 'The Simple Life' and party girl extraordinaire? The former reality TV personality gave a candid interview to UK InStyle.
"People ask me, do I blame Hollywood or my parents?" she tells InStyle U.K. of her past troubles in its October issue. "No, I don't blame my parents. It had nothing to do with them. I created it and manifested it, and I got myself through it with the help of a lot of great people.
"One thing about me is that I've always taken responsibility for my own actions, whether they're good or bad," she says. "Even when I was going through my tough time, that was a situation that I created."
LOVE her! People so often seem to confuse explanations (like, I developed this habit because when I was a kid this was what happened) with excuses (it's not my fault I do this because this happened when I was a child).
It's great to see Nicole hasn't made that mistake. She's going to be a great role model for her kids.
Photos by FAME

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